Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Here I am, this is me

I opened by blog was thinking of what to scribble when i got a mail from one of my friends. It had the same old ever repeating question "How did u land up here !"

Many of my friends have asked me how I landed here.
How?? Howmany times should i repeat the same story ???
That was when i found my real friend in Blog.
And I believe i will just need to pass this link over instead of the long flashback!

Here is goes.....

Me and computers

Long before I had a computer of my own, i used to go to my friend, Ranjith's(Computer as we called him) home to see him play a game of Dave. I was interested in the big screen game rather than the smaller brick games we had. And so was born my fascination towards the machine.

Programming and Me? kabhi nahi

After my schooling I went to learn the computer. The fundamentls.. so called DOS-BASIC-WINDOWS course. GWBASIC was the first programming language I learned. Since i joined for the vacation course all they offered was about 10 Commands in BASIC. But I had a textbook with me which had most of the BASIC commands and syntax. I read it before I went to class and in the practicals I used them to test my knowledge.

Once in the Lab i used a DOS Command which i had in my memory. I dint know what it was. When the instructors were away I tried it >>>> C H K D S K

There goes the screen.. writing all the essays which I couldnot understand. Seeing all the text filled DOS screen one of the instructors came .. i din't know what to do. I don't know what I had typed... it was not ending.. i was really in a fix. I couldnot hide it. Should I turn off the monitor? but how ? I even din't know that !

HE asked me who did this,I kept mum and the other guy with whom I shared the system pointed at me! He asked me, who gave me this command ? I had no answer. But he just smiled and asked me to exit it. I din't know that too! i told him the truth.. and he did close it out somehow. That was my last tested command at that institute.

Thank god it was CHKDSK to check the disk and not FDISK ! else i would have formatted the system in the situation!

My Aim was to make a game. But My plan to move just a line, and it failed!
That was the end of my Graphical programming(of course for era).
Now I knew howmuch pain they had taken for the DAVE or Prince. But The one that really bowled me over was the F1 race. I dont remember the name exactly but hte DOS based F1 had very good graphics as far as my memory goes.

The new era

It took about three more years for me to continue my Computer studies. After the sample of DOS-BASIC-Windows course.. wat i was left was the memories of the computer and the textbooks.I had no time after the Schooling for for Computers. I joined the enterance coaching center for 2 yrs course where I was engaged till 8 pm after the school. I returned home at 9pm, tired, hungry, thirsty, sleepy and was off for the day

I joined my engineering after the two years. Mechanical. I couldnot get admission to any Computer based Engineering branches. Then i turned to my other passion.. Drawng. I heard mechanical had lots and lots to draw. I also had a dream of designing a Car! So I opted for mechanical. Also i dint want to write the entrance exam again! :D

I had completed my Autocad before by s4 in engg. I was doin CAD well. My Insrtuctor asked me to Do 3D MAX and said i could do really well. But the course was too costly that I went for the textbook ! This time i dint need an Institute system to test. I had one of my own.

MAX was little tougher since i had no one to help me. my dream of gaming came true .And I played a lot SWAT NFS FIFA every game that could run on a Intel 810E chipset. I wished (still wish) to get into Electronic Arts or Sierra Sports. So I fought hard on Max so that i could ge tin as a modeller

I am interested in Animation too..I dint know how i came to know about flash. It was the flash 4 help htat really helped me to learn it. I had no documentaions. NO instructors. And so was my earlier works . I am ashamed of them now ! :)

So thats how I learned Flash; Photoshop for some fun and some for fact. And that was wat made me land here ! I knew in my 2nd Year of engineering that I dint belong there.

When Trinity asked Neo
"Because you have been down there Neo, you know that road, you know exactly where it ends. And I know that's not where you want to be
I was sure, somthing better was waitng for me.

Sure u are bored....
Sorry for that.. its hard to stop if i get started especially this long narration of my recent past , which like you , many have asked me ...and many will ask.